Signal testing

✔ Learn how to test signals on the Finandy platform: sending test signals, setting up orders, solving problems. Detailed guide to testing TradingView signals.

Click to expand testing block.

  1. Send a signal to the terminal with specified settings

  2. Open position list

  3. Go to signal log


How to send a buy and sell signal. Do I need to create 2 signal connections to do this?

No, this is not necessary. To test, simply change Buy to Sell and press the Send Signal button (you do not need to save the signal).​​

Signals do not trigger when testing a strategy.

Position option in strategies uses the 'positionSide' placeholder.

"positionSide": "{{strategy.market_position}}"

Use "Long only" or "Short only" option during tests to emulate the direction substitution of the strategy.

I am sending a signal, but the order is not created.

There may be several reasons:

  1. It is possible that you have configured the order or order grid in such a way that the exchange does not place them due to restrictions. For example, the order amount is less than the minimum allowed (on the Spot market it is 10 USDT, while on futures it is 5 USDT).

  2. You have enabled the Master Hook function. In this mode, orders are only created for those connected to the Master Hook. In order for orders to be created, you need to create another hook and specify your Master Hook as the signal source.

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Last updated