Finandy Futures Agreement

✔ The document outlines the potential risks associated with trading and helps you better understand the terms of use of the platform.

You should always carefully consider whether Finandy Futures is consistent with your risk tolerance including technical, investment objectives, investment experience or sophistication, financial condition, financial needs, and personal circumstances, and other considerations that may be relevant to you.

  1. Futures trading is highly risky. As a futures trader, you acknowledge and agree that you shall access and use the futures trading service at your own risks;

  2. You should fully understand the risks associated with futures trading and solely responsible and liable for any and all trading and non-trading activity on your Finandy. Do not enter into a transaction or invest in funds that are above your financial abilities;

  3. You are solely responsible and liable for knowing the true status of any position, even if presented incorrectly by Finandy at any time;

  4. You agree to maintain in your Finandy futures account a sufficient amount of blockchain assets required by Finandy for users to engage in futures trading. Failure to maintain a sufficient amount of assets can result in the forced-liquidation of assets in your futures account;

  5. You agree to trade in good faith. No person shall trade with intent to disrupt, or with reckless disregard for the adverse impact on, the orderly conduct of trading or the fair execution of transactions. Finandy reserves the right to prohibit and prosecute any disruptive and manipulative trading practices that Finandy finds to be abusive to the orderly conduct of trading or the fair execution of transactions. If Finandy suspects any such accounts to be in violation of this term, Finandy shall have the right to immediately suspend your Finandy Account (and any accounts beneficially owned by related entities or affiliates), freeze or lock the Digital Assets or funds in all such accounts, and suspend your access to Finandy. Finandy may, in its sole discretion, perform measures to mitigate potential losses to you on your behalf, including, but not limited to, suspending you from trading, transferring balances from your futures to your exchange account and/or from your exchange to your futures account without any prior notification.

  6. During Finandy system maintenance, you agree that you are solely responsible and liable for managing your futures account under risk, including but not limited to, keep or close your position.

  7. You agree that you conduct all futures trading on your own account and claim full responsibility for your activities. Finandy does not take any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred as a result of your use of any services or your failure to understand the risks involved associated with assets use generally or your use of our services.

  8. You agree that all investment operations conducted on represent your true investment intentions and that unconditionally accept the potential risks and benefits of your investment decisions.

  9. reserves the right to suspend or terminate Finandy Futures service. If necessary, can suspend and terminate Finandy Futures service at any time.

  10. Due to network delay, computer system failures and other force majeure, which may lead to delay, suspension or deviation of Finandy Futures service execution, will use reasonable effort to ensure but not promise that Finandy Futures service execution system run stably and effectively. does not take any responsibility if the final execution doesn’t match your expectations due to the above factors.

  11. reserves the right to delist, i.e. removal of a listed asset from exchange at any time.

I have read and agreed to the Finandy Futures Service Agreement and have agreed to use Finandy Futures service. I am aware of these risks and confirm to use this service.

Last updated