Market (currency pairs)

✔ Learn how to manage a block of trading instruments on the Finandy platform: add to favourites, filter, sort and search by name. Detailed guide to working with currency pair tickers

1. You can drag the block up and down or move it to the right of the chart.

  1. Hide / Show Block.

  2. Favorite currency pairs list.

  3. Currency pair filter.

  4. Search by currency pair name.

  5. Sort items by clicking on the header: - by descending/descending name - by descending/descending price - by descending/descending volume - by 24-hour price change (descending/ascending)

  6. Add/remove from Favourites button.

  7. Currency pair price.

  8. Trading volume over 24 hours.

  9. Price change in % over 24 hours.

If the tab is clicked, it will collapse and the chart will expand to full width.

If you click again, the tab will expand.

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Last updated