Secret word

✔ Learn how to set up a secret word on the Finandy platform: setup hints, important security tips and answers to common questions. Detailed guide on how to set up a secret word

WARNING! Withdrawals are locked for 3 days:

  • after password change

  • after Telegram bot activation

  • after adding secret word

  • after 2FA activation

  • after deposit (for unverified accounts)

Go to Account / Secret Word page.

The secret word can only be set once and cannot be changed afterwards!

  1. Select a hint from the dropdown list

or enter a custom hint to make it easier to remember the Secret Word when recovering access.

2. Add the secret word.

3. Click on "Activate secret word".


The secret word is case-sensitive?

The secret word is NOT case sensitive. So, if you write the word "HeLLo", you can type just "hello" when restoring.

Is it possible to include symbols or numbers into the word?

Yes, it is possible.

Do you have any questions? We can help you in our Telegram chat.

Last updated