Error codes and solutions
✔ Read about error codes and solutions for working with the Finandy platform. This detailed guide will help you quickly troubleshoot issues and optimise your use of the platform.
Last updated
✔ Read about error codes and solutions for working with the Finandy platform. This detailed guide will help you quickly troubleshoot issues and optimise your use of the platform.
Last updated
Notifications contain messages regarding actions in the terminal. The code number is used for diagnostic purposes.
The following is a list of the codes used, along with a brief explanation:
"ACCOUNT-E01": "Failed to send email"
"ACCOUNT-I01": "Email sent, check your mailbox"
"ACCOUNT-N01": "Email not confirmed. Check mailbox or send a new email"
"ACC-E01": "Error converting to BNB {{error}}" Token does not support BNB conversion or repeated conversion within 24 hours. Try again later.
"ACC-E02": "Unable to change hedge mode with open positions. Close all positions and cancel all orders and try again" Info: Hedging mode will change only after closing all positions in the futures market.
"ACC-I01": "BNB conversion operation completed" Information message. The conversion of your tokens has been completed successfully.
"ACC-I02": "Position mode changed to «{{mode}}»"
"AUTH-I01": "Successful account authorization" Login completed successfully.
"AUTH-I02": "Authorization code: {{authCode}}"
"BOT-E01": "Error loading bot"
"BOT-E02": "Error deleting bot"
"BOT-E03": "Error copying bot"
"BOT-E04": "Error saving bot"
"BOT-E05": "Error loading data from clipboard"
"BOT-I03": "Bot {{name}} copied"
"BOT-I04": "Bot {{name}} saved"
"CT-E01": "Subscription expired on {{market}}" Contact master trader for subscription terms. User actions are independent and not related to Finandy terminal.
"CT-E02": "Error creating Master account (Copy trading)"
"CT-E04": "Error deleting Copy trading account"
"CT-E05": "Error disabling Copy trading account"
"CT-E06": "Error enabling Copy trading account"
"CT-E07": "Error loading connected account list" Информационное сообщение. Мастер-трейдер закрыл текущую позицию. Копирующий получает данное сообщение.
"CT-E08": "Error connecting Copy trading account"
"CT-E09": "Error editing Copy trading account"
"CT-E10": "Error loading Copy trading history"
"CT-E11": "Error sending restart command to connected accounts"
"CT-I01": "Copy trading settings saved"
"CT-I02": "Order canceled by master (Copy trading)"
"CT-I03": "Order moved by master (Copy trading)"
"CT-I05": "Position modified by master (Copy trading)"
"CT-I06": "Position replaced by master (Copy trading)"
"CT-I07": "Position closed by master (Copy trading)" Info: Master trader has closed the current position. Copier receives this message.
"CT-I08": "Hedging mode changed by master (Copy trading)" There are 2 trading modes: Hedge disabled allows reversals, while Hedge enabled prevents reversals. The master determines the hedge mode, which is automatically adjusted for copiers.
"CT-I09": "Restart command sent to all connected accounts."
"CT-I10": "Minimum balance threshold changed by master on {{market}}. Quotes: {{curList}}."
"CT-I11": "Bulk operation {{action}} completed (Copy trading) with ID: {{bulkId}}."
"CT-I12": "Grid orders modified by master (Copy trading)."
"CT-I13": "Bonus size changed by master (Copy trading) in {{market}}. Old bonus: {{oldBonus}}. New bonus: {{newBonus}}. "
"CT-I14": "Position closed by master (Copy trading)." Info: Master trader has closed the current position. Copier receives this message.
"CT-I15": "Grid orders created by master (Copy trading)."
"CT-I20": "Copy trading settings saved."
"CT-N01": "Exiting position (Copy trading) based on profit check."
"CT-N02": "Master (Copy trading) disconnected or deleted on {{market}}."
"CT-N03": "Master confirmed connection request."
"CT-N04": "Master rejected connection request."
"CT-N05": "Subscription expired on {{market}}."
"CT-W01": "Position not copied. Balance below Master trader limit: {{minDeposit}}."
"CT-W02": "Maximum number of open positions reached: {{maxPosQty}}."
"CT-W03": "Maximum position volume reached: {{maxSum}}."
"COINS-E01": "Error loading coins"
"COINS-E02": "Error requesting address"
"COINS-E03": "Error during transfer"
"COINS-I01": "Funds transfer completed. ID: {{tranId}}"
"KEY-I01": "New key added: {{descr}}"
"KEY-I02": "Key updated: {{descr}}"
"KEY-E01": "Key connection error. Please check your API key settings on Binance. One of the following actions may be required:
1) Extend key after 90 days of usage,
2) Enable checkbox in market,
3) Specify our server IP addresses in allowed IP list."
Your API key on Binance is not functional. Take recommended actions.
"KEY-E02": "Error deleting key"
"KEY-E03": "Error reloading account"
"KEY-E04": "Error stopping account"
"KEY-E05": "Error loading keys"
"KEY-E06": "Error loading Finandy keys"
"KEY-E07": "Error editing Finandy key"
"KEY-E08": "Error deleting Finandy key"
"STATE-E01": "Settings changed in another tab. Refresh page to save favorites or chart changes."
"STATE-E03": "Error saving state"
"STATE-E05": "Error retrieving settings ID. Refresh the page."
"SVC-E01": "Error reloading module {{moduleId}}"
"SVC-I01": "Account ready for trading"
"SVC-I02": "Account reconfigured"
"SVC-I03": "Module {{moduleId}} reloaded"
"SVC-N01": "Hedging mode changed: {{mode}}"
"SVC-W01": "API connection with {{market}} restarted by exchange. Synchronization in progress."
"TPL-CREATED": "Template created"
"TPL-SAVED": "Template «{{name}}» saved"
"TPL-E01": "Error deleting template"
"HOOK-N01": "Averaging rejected. Exceeded maximum position volume for signal «{{hookName}}»."
"HOOK-N02": "Averaging rejected. Exceeded maximum position quantity for signal «{{hookName}}»."
"HOOK-N03": "Pair is blacklisted"
"HOOK-N04": "Pair is not whitelisted"
"HOOK-N05": "Maximum position quantity reached"
"HOOK-N06": "Timeout has not expired"
"HOOK-N07": "Maximum position volume reached"
"HOOK-N08": "Maximum position volume for this webhook reached"
"HOOK-N09": "Pair is blacklisted"
"HOOK-N10": "Pair is not whitelisted"
"HOOK-N11": "Multiple averaging disabled"
"HOOK-N12": "There is a loss in the position"
"HOOK-I08": "Order created to close position based on signal «{{hookName}}»"
"HOOK-E07": "Averaging error: «{{error}}» for signal «{{hookName}}»"
"HOOK-E12": "Error creating order for signal «{{hookName}}» on pair {{pair}}."
"HOOK-E13": "Signal {{hookId}} configured for wrong market: {{market}}"
"HOOK-E14": "Signal {{hookId}} rejected. Subscription expired"
"HOOK-E20": "Error starting the hook"
"HOOK-E21": "Error adding the signal"
"HOOK-E22": "Error deleting the signal"
"HOOK-E23": "Error saving the signal"
"HOOK-E24": "Error pasting from clipboard"
"HOOK-I23": "Signal saved"
"HOOK-I24": "Signal imported"
"HOOK-W01": "Warning in signal «{{hookName}}». Cannot use positionSide = BOTH in hedging mode. Change to LONG or SHORT"
"HOOK-W02": "Attention. Check currency pair name in signal {{hookName}}, Should be without curly brackets."
"ORD-SLC-I01": "SLC order sent to API"
"ORD-SLB-I01": "SLB order sent to API"
"ORD-SLX-I01": "SLX order created"
"ORD-SLX-I02": "SL order switched to virtual type as real SL cannot be set together with real take profits"
"ORD-SL-I01": "SL order created"
"ORD-SL-I02": "SL order switched to virtual type as real SL cannot be set together with real take profits"
"ORD-VO-I01": "Virtual order sent to API"
"ORD-E01-AMOUNT_LT_MIN_MARKET": "Order quantity of {{amt}} {{cur}} is below minimum allowed value of {{minMarketQty}} {{cur}}. Please increase order volume"
"ORD-E01-AMOUNT_GT_MAX_MARKET": "Order quantity of {{amt}} {{cur}} exceeds maximum allowed value of {{maxMarketQty}} {{cur}}. Please decrease order volume"
"ORD-E01-AMOUNT_LT_MIN_LIMIT": "Order quantity of {{amt}} {{cur}} is below minimum allowed value of {{minQty}} {{cur}}. Increase order volume"
"ORD-E01-AMOUNT_GT_MAX_LIMIT": "Order quantity of {{amt}} {{cur}} exceeds maximum allowed value of {{maxQty}} {{cur}}. Please decrease order volume."
"ORD-E01-PRICE_LT_MIN": "{{field}} {{value}} {{cur}} is below minimum allowed value of {{minPrice}} {{cur}}."
"ORD-E01-PRICE_GT_MAX": "{{field}} {{value}} {{cur}} exceeds maximum allowed value of {{maxPrice}} {{cur}}."
"ORD-E01-PRICE_LT_MIN_DEV": "{{field}} {{value}} {{cur}} below minimum allowed deviation of {{minPctPrice}} {{cur}}"
"ORD-E01-PRICE_GT_MAX_DEV": "{{field}} {{value}} {{cur}} exceeds maximum allowed deviation of {{maxPctPrice}} {{cur}}"
"ORD-E01-SUM_LT_MIN": "Order volume of {{sum}} {{cur}} is below minimum allowed value of {{minSum}} {{cur}}. Increase order volume."
"ORD-E01-MAX_ORDERS": "Maximum open orders reached = {{maxNumOrders}}"
"ORD-E01-MAX_ALGO_ORDERS": "Reached maximum algo order limit = {{maxNumAlgoOrders}}. Review your Stop orders"
"ORD-E02-2": "Insufficient balance to place order"
"ORD-E03-1013": "Order volume below minimum allowed value. Increase order volume"
"ORD-E03-2011": "Error creating order. Pair may not be available for trading."
"ORD-E03-2015": "No market access for order creation. Check API key permission or recreate the key"
"ORD-E03-2019": "Error creating order. Insufficient funds for collateral."
"ORD-E03-2027": "Max position volume reached for this leverage. Create order with lower leverage"
"ORD-E03-3006": "Maximum loan volume exceeded. Consider using virtual SL instead of real TP and SL"
"ORD-E03-3028": "Pair not tradable in margin market"
ORD-E03-4046": "Order creation error: No need to change margin type", The following steps should be taken: 1. Set the Iso margin type for this token and open a position with it. 2. Close a position with it and set cross margin. 3. Repeat the actions for verification. At the initial point in time, the partner exchange may not know the margin type. By following the steps above you will synchronise the data between the terminal and the partner exchange.
"ORD-E03-4047": "Cannot open isolated and cross positions on same currency pair."
"ORD-E03-4061": "Position mode changed. Please retry order creation."
"ORD-E03-4164": "Order volume below minimum allowed value. Increase order volume." The Finandy terminal cannot send a trade order that does not comply with the rules. The minimum order size is determined by the partner exchange. Traders should familiarise themselves with the trading rules.
"ORD-E05": "Error creating order"
"ORD-E04-4": "Error creating order"
"POS-E06": "Cannot create multiple positions in same pair without hedging mode"
"ORD-E09": "Error: Cannot move order that is canceled or completed"
"ORD-E16-3": "No market access to create order. Check API key permission or recreate the key."
"ORD-E16--": "Error: Invalid margin type. Please retry order creation or switch margin type (Isolated / Cross)."
"ORD-E17": "Subscription expired for {{market}}"
"ORD-I01": "Order created"
"ORD-I02": "Order moved"
"ORD-I03": "Order canceled"
"ORD-I04": "Virtual order moved"
"ORD-I10": "Order created based on signal «{{hookName}}»"
"ORD-I12": "Grid canceled"
"ORD-I13": "Order created to decrease position based on signal «{{hookName}}»"
"ORD-N01": "Order status after cancellation: {{status}}"
"ORD-W01": "Error, Binance cannot accept order cancellation via API CANCEL_REJECTED[-2011]. Cancel the order on the exchange's website or try again later."
"PORD-D02": "Order partially executed"
"PORD-D03": "Order executed"
"PORD-E02": "Error updating order"
"POS-I01": "Position closed"
"POS-I02": "Position successfully modified"
"POS-I03": "Position moved to Exchange"
"POS-I04": "Closing position order created"
"POS-I08": "Bulk action «{{action}}» completed with ID: {{bulkId}}"
"POS-L01": "Position created"
"SETTINGS-E01": "Error saving settings"
"SETTINGS-E02": "Error changing password"
"SETTINGS-E03": "Error enabling 2FA"
"SETTINGS-E04": "Error disabling 2FA"
"SETTINGS-E05": "Error loading session"
"SETTINGS-I01": "Settings saved"
"SETTINGS-I02": "Password changed"
"SETTINGS-I03": "2FA activated"
"SETTINGS-I04": "2FA disabled"
"SCRIPT-E01": "Error loading scripts"
"SCRIPT-E02": "Error saving script"
"SCRIPT-E03": "Error deleting script"
"SCRIPT-E04": "Error loading script"
"SCRIPT-I02": "Script saved and compiled"
"SCRIPT-W02": "Script saved, compilation error"
"STATS-E01": "Error loading reports"
"STATS-E02": "Error saving reports"
"STATS-E03": "Error updating data
"STATS-E04": "Report deletion error"
"STATS-I02": "Report saved"
"SUBSCR-E01": "Error fetching address"
"SUBSCR-E02": "Error verifying subscription"
"SUBSCR-E03": "Error loading history"
"SUBSCR-I01": "Subscription extended until {{date}}"
"SUBSCR-N01": "No new payments"
"SUBSCR-W01": "Subscription expired for {{marketId}}"
"SUBSCR-W02": "Subscription expired"
"SUBSCR-W03": "Subscription expires on {{dt}} for {{marketId}}"
"SUBSCR-W04": "Subscription expires: {{dt}}"
"TELEGRAM-E01": "Error creating Telegram bot"
"TELEGRAM-E02": "Error deleting Telegram bot"
"TELEGRAM-E03": "Error while switching"
"TELEGRAM-E04": "Error loading Telegram bot"
"TELEGRAM-I01": "Telegram bot is running"
"TELEGRAM-I02": "Telegram bot is stopped"
"TELEGRAM-I03": "Telegram bot is configured"
"TELEGRAM-I04": "Telegram bot has joined the chat"